
So, You've Been Eaten.

Created by LudiCreations

NOTE: This page has been replaced by the new Backerkit shop for LudiCreations games: Please make any new purchases there. To see reviews, access free online play and download rules for So, You've Been Eaten., please visit the Kickstarter campaign page. Note: Your card will not be charged until the order is ready to be shipped, which in the case of pre-orders may be several weeks or months after you have made it. The charge will appear on your card as "KS-BK-Ludi". Any orders with So, You've Been Eaten. items are considered pre-orders, and will be shipped in after the rewards of the first shipping wave of the campaign, which is currently in progress. To follow the status of the campaign, visit the updates page: Orders without any pre-order items are shipped weekly from our warehouses in the USA, Germany, the UK or China. Most small items are shipped separately, via priority mail without tracking from our HQ in Finland, so your order may come in multiple packages. UK: Please note that all or part of your order may come from outside the UK, and you may need to pay customs fees. If in doubt, please contact us. To contact us with any questions, comments, or concerns about a pre-order please visit: If you are a backer of the Kickstarter campaign, please use the KS messaging system: Last update: *26 September 2022*

Latest Updates from Our Project:

So, We Need To Prepare For Fulfillment And Lock Down Addresses
about 2 years ago – Thu, May 05, 2022 at 03:11:52 AM

Greetings, LudiCrats!

We are happy to report that the various shipments from the factory to the fulfillment hubs have either arrived or are close enough that we need to prepare for the fulfillment of all rewards by locking down addresses

Please read the entirety of this backer update before asking any questions you may have.

But before we go any further, here is a look at what you see when you open the Collector box:


Manage your address & addons:

Note: If you are not sure of your address in the near future, you can request that we reset your survey, and then you can complete it when you are settled.

Contact us:

We can only see your pledge information, ask for personal details and provide individual assistance through a KS message, not the comments.


The status of each of the shipments is as follows:

USA / Canada: The shipment has been delivered to port, and we are awaiting confirmation of their onward journey to Funagain in Oregon. The Canadian pallet will go from there to our partner Pick & Pack Logistics.

EU & other European countries: The shipment has been delivered to port, and we are awaiting confirmation of their onward journey to Happyshops in eastern Germany.

UK: The shipment is at Spiral Galaxy’s warehouse.

Asia / Pacific: The shipment is at VFI’s warehouse.

We expect the next update to be the one that says all rewards have been shipped - for those who responded in time (read on below for details).

Locking Down Addresses

The final date for locking down all addresses is:

Wednesday, 11 May 2022

The exact time is not yet set, and depending on your time zone, the exact date may vary too.

Much like for the “charging-cards-final-warning”, there will be a warning email by Backerkit sent out on the 9th of May, indicating that 48 hours later the address information will be automatically locked down.

If it is not possible to lock down an address by that date for any reason (e.g. missing information, credit card charge failed), then the rewards will be shipped in a supplemental shipping wave, after every backer who was on time.

Keep in mind that some add-ons will be sent separately, from our HQ in Finland. These are not tracked, but we are not worried, since we have had a high success rate with deliveries (even if your local post office may take a while). These separately-shipped add-ons are most non-SYBE promos, extras like playmats for Mr. Cabbagehead’s Garden, and Journal 29 books.

To confirm your address, you need to check your survey response. Read on to find out how to do that.

Important: It is your responsibility to provide us with a valid address.

If you are unable to do so for any reason (moving, on vacation, house currently suspended by balloons while on the precipice of a majestic cliff, etc.), you need to send us a message and we can move you to the next wave (see next section).

What if I am moving or what if I am not sure of my address?

If you are not sure of your address at least from May through July 2022 (and beyond, if you are in an area far from the fulfillment hubs), there are two options:

- Send the game to a friend or relative.

You can easily do this by simply changing your address via the Backerkit system:

- Reset your survey, so that you can complete it again when you are sure of your address.

To make that happen, please contact us using the KS messaging system:


We will need your help and cooperation with this one. The most important thing is that your address is correct.

There is some information that you may have read before, some information that has been updated, and some new information. Even though we try to repeat it as many times as possible, there are always a few people who we will have to redirect to this very text (hi!), sometimes more than once.

First, here is the survey intro text again. While pre-order backers have not seen this, every backer that is getting a game has answered “yes” to this. The ones that have not will have their responses voided and they will be contacted individually via KS messages.

So here it is:

So, You'd Like to Get Your Game.

Greetings, LudiCrats!

Thank you for pledging to our campaign and creating some more weird for this strange world. Your pledge level items are already in your cart, feel free to purchase additional items through the add-ons!

First, let us say that Scott, Kwanchai and everyone else on the team are proud and happy to have your support for what is paradoxically turning out to be both our most funded and weirdest project.

All we need now is your cooperation, so that we can get you your rewards. Please read these instructions very carefully, even if you have backed one of our games before. By answering the question below with "Yes", you agree to these terms and to the ones listed on the Kickstarter campaign page:


If you are going to be moving or going to be away from home in the period of May-July 2022, please give a friend's or a relative's address. If you are not sure, simply do not complete this survey until you are.

Delivery time may be as quick as 2 days to parts of the USA, 1 week to the UK, 2 weeks to Japan, or as slow as 4 weeks to Italy. We will be posting more information via Kickstarter backer update when the rewards are shipped.

Note that delivery time may vary depending on your local postal service. Other backers, even in the same country, the same city, or seemingly farther away from you may receive the shipment before you do. Although you might receive it a lot sooner than that, please allow at least 8 weeks after the date we ship before enquiring about your shipment. After that, we need to wait a few weeks more to see if the package will be returned to us.

The above delivery times quoted are *not* estimates, guarantees or promises. They come from empirical evidence and claimed delivery times by providers. We always try to do the best for you, and want the games delivered even more than you do. Please know that once the fulfillment centers hand off the packages to the delivery service providers, we all need to allow enough time for the system to work. And the system sometimes works in mysterious ways, especially in such times as we are living in.

Please double-check your information, as any mistakes will result in additional costs for you. E.g. if you made a mistake with your address and the package is lost, you will need to pay the full cost of a replacement. If your package is returned to us marked as not having been picked up at the post office, if delivery was refused at your address, or if the address was incomplete, you will need to pay the shipping cost again.


Please complete the form with latin alphabet letters only, and do not use any non-standard characters (ä, ö, å, etc.) - if you do, and the package is lost, you will need to pay the full cost of a replacement. Simply replace them with their basic latin equivalents (e.g. ä -> a, å -> a and ø -> o).

The reason for this is that when the address data is entered to varying types of shipping software that different fulfillment providers use, these special characters often do not transfer, and the address is turned into gibberish.

NOTE: If you have entered your address as asked above, Backerkit may suggest an address *with* those special characters added back in. Please ignore that and keep your address as you entered it.

Please do not put duplicate information in the address fields - since the fulfillment process is automated, a long address may not fit in the shipping label. Also, please see the note above about using the latin alphabet only.


If you would like to upgrade to a different pledge level, get add-ons, or change your address, please use the same invitation link to Backerkit that you already have.

You can also always use the Backerkit website to request a new link:

Note: If you are not sure of your address in the near future, you can request that we reset your survey, and then you can complete it when you are settled.

You can contact us most easily by clicking on this link:

We can only see your pledge information, ask for personal details and provide individual assistance through a KS message, not the comments.

Hey, so we're almost there! Please take a few minutes to recheck your address, and help us help you get the game to you! Once more, thank you for continuing to support us in this campaign.



So, The Ships Are On Their Way And It Is Time To Charge Cards.
over 2 years ago – Sat, Apr 02, 2022 at 03:49:00 AM

Greetings, LudiCrats!

Time to celebrate!

Yes, also for having reached 10(!) updates, even though we wanted to keep this whole campaign to a single-digit number of updates. But. Here. We. Are.

The real celebration is warranted because we are happy to report that the ships have left China and are on their way to fulfillment providers around the world!

So, it is time to proceed with charging cards. Please read on to get more details.


Manage your address & addons:

Note: If you are not sure of your address in the near future, you can request that we reset your survey, and then you can complete it when you are settled.

Contact us:

We can only see your pledge information, ask for personal details and provide individual assistance through a KS message, not the comments.


So, the ships are out! They are carrying these beautiful pallets:

The US shipment was changed from 3 to 2 parts by the forwarders, and after needing the pallets to be re-divided between them and having been pushed back a few times, the 1st and largest part managed to ship out last Friday, on the YM Upward:

The EU shipment is on its way to Germany on the THALASSA AXIA:

And the UK shipment is showing that today it has actually arrived in Southampton:

Please note that we are purposely not giving out information on ETAs, because these change all the time. Just before we posted this, the EU shipment was pushed up again, and we do not, and will not, be releasing information subject to change. Also, customs may further impede shipments, including the one seemingly just arriving in the UK.

Asia / Pacific backers:

Please note the text posted in update #8: As with all of our other projects, VFI is fulfilling the games out of China and their regional hubs in Australia / Thailand / Malaysia and elsewhere. You may be getting your games before anybody else, or much after everyone else - freight over there works in mysterious ways. Once fulfillment starts, there will be more detailed information and a page where you can check your local hub's status.

So, it is now time to discuss the next steps that need to be taken by all of us to ensure as smooth of a fulfillment process as possible.

Upgrade your pledge and/or add extras on

To upgrade your pledge level, please check this handy guide from Backerkit:

If you need add-ons,  please make sure to add them on now. We have already had a lot of items sold out (On the Underground, Mr. Cabbagehead's Garden).

Also, the number of Confused Immune System is now fixed (more on that in a future update), so if you want this charity add-on, add it on now.

To modify your pledge or add-ons, please visit:

Charging cards

OK, this is the important bit. The date for charging cards is:

Thursday, 7 April 2022

The exact time is not yet set, and depending on your time zone, the exact date may vary too.

There will be a warning email by Backerkit sent out on the 5th of April, indicating that 48 hours later the contents of your cart will be locked. Then, we will be able to charge the card on file.

Please make sure that you have the correct card information on file. If any issues arise with your payment you’ll receive an email letting you know to correct your payment information.

Important: When your card is charged, it will show up as "KS-BK-Ludi" in your statement.

Once again, to confirm your order, please visit this page and click “Get My Survey”:


Do you have any questions about charging cards & locking addresses?

As usual, you can check your Backerkit survey response & cart here:

Note: If you are not sure of your address in the near future, you can request that we reset your survey, and then you can complete it when you are settled.

If you are having any trouble, or have anything to ask, click here:

We can only see your pledge information, ask for personal details and provide individual assistance through a KS message, not the comments.

Please do not hesitate to ask anything on your mind - better now than after the games have been shipped!

Thanks for reading all this!



So, Production Is Complete. And You Need To Check Backerkit.
over 2 years ago – Wed, Feb 02, 2022 at 11:11:17 PM

Greetings, LudiCrats!

Time for your regularly* scheduled backer update!

If you missed the previous update, the one about the first production sample, the general fulfillment strategy as well as more details on regional fulfillment and the word "soon", please click here.

Please make sure to read through to the end of the update before asking questions. Also, please keep in mind the backer update practices we outlined in backer update #1.


Manage your address & addons:

Note: If you are not sure of your address in the near future, you can request that we reset your survey, and then you can complete it when you are settled.

Contact us:

We can only see your pledge information, ask for personal details and provide individual assistance through a KS message, not the comments.


In this update we discuss the (almost) best news we could have received from the factory. Then, there is a very important bit about the next steps of the fulfillment process. Finally, there is a little something you can do while waiting for the game.


You have no idea how happy we are to be able to post this: The game has been produced!

Warning: The following videos are quite loud!

To give you an idea of what happens between us and the factory at this stage, there were at least 6-7 emails just about the final height of the pallets, and a healthy exchange of opinions about roof clearance, load stability and overheight fees.

Luckily, that's all done and it is time to move on to fulfillment.

* Regularity may** vary.


In the previous backer update we outlined the general idea behind our fulfillment strategy, along with initial information about regional shipments:

Although it was a possibility right up to the last moment, it did not come to pass that the pallets would be picked up before Lunar New Year.

There was simply no space, regardless of how much we were willing to pay. The local reps in all possible ports (Shanghai, Ningbo, Shenzhen, Hong Kong) could not fit our shipments in any sailings.

So, we have adjusted our pledge management plan accordingly. Here is what we are planning to do in the near term:

Charging cards

Once the ships are confirmed to be on their way there will be an update announcing that charging cards for shipping costs and add-ons is imminent.

Important: When your card is charged, it will show up as "KS-BK-Ludi" in your statement.

The exact date of charging the cards depends on how quickly the games are loaded and the ships cast off.

Please check your Backerkit cart to make sure that you have added everything you still need - the freight crisis means that it is unlikely we will be moving stock from continent to continent, and that future shipping costs will be higher.

Add-ons are only available while supplies last (e.g. On the Underground is completely sold out), and those can be location-dependent (e.g. Mr. Cabbagehead’s Garden Deluxe is sold out in some areas).

Locking addresses

Then, after the cards have been charged and the ships are close to shore or the games have arrived to fulfillment providers, there will be another update.

In this one we will give the final deadline for confirming and locking addresses.

The exact date depends on the previous step, and after that no changes will be possible.

Please note that to re-ship something due to non-pickup or in the case of a wrong address, you would need to pay the shipping costs again, and it is only possible *after* the package is returned.

If you are not certain of your address in the coming months, please contact us so that we can reset your survey until you are sure. Alternatively, you can use a friend’s or relative’s address.

Do you have any questions about charging cards & locking addresses?

As usual, you can check your Backerkit survey response & cart here:

If you are having any trouble, or have anything to ask, click here:

Please do not hesitate to ask anything on your mind - better now than after the games have been shipped!

** Regularity _will_ probably*** vary.

In the Meantime

So, what to do while waiting for your rewards?

Well, play SYBE! Think SYBE! Be SYBE! Eat, pray, love SYBE!

But seriously, why not rate SYBE?!

First, in case you missed it on the campaign page, you can play So, You’ve Been Eaten., right now!

You can do it on Tabletopia, for free:

And you can do it on Tabletop Simulator, if you own the software:

2 players, Miner vs Beast:

1 player, Miner vs Hibernating Beast AI:

1 player, Beast vs Robot Miner AI:

Then, click here, and then click on the star that best describes your feelings towards SYBE:

(completely random screenshot of So, You’ve Been Eaten. ratings)

You need to have a BGG account to rate a game. If you do not have one, you can easily create it here:

It does not actually matter what you rate the game (or why). Anybody can rate a game, for any reason, whether they own it (or not) or have even played it (or not).

What does matter is that you actually rate it, every rating helps, because BGG favors games with a lot of ratings. So, love it or hate it, please rank So, You’ve Been Eaten.!

(although if you hate it already, you may be in the wrong place)

We have eight-and-a-half thousand backers here, plus a few hundred pre-order-ers, so we really want to see how many will actually rate the game.

BGG is supposed to be (and probably is) the biggest board game website in the world, and we wonder how representative it is of those weird people that would back a game called So, You’ve Been Eaten. Let’s see!

*** Regularity will definitely vary.


If you would like to upgrade to a different pledge level, get add-ons, or change your address, please use the same invitation link to Backerkit that you already have.

You can also always use the Backerkit website to request a new link:

Note: If you are not sure of your address in the near future, you can request that we reset your survey, and then you can complete it when you are settled.

You can contact us most easily by clicking on this link:

We can only see your pledge information, ask for personal details and provide individual assistance through a KS message, not the comments.

Thank you all so much for your support! We are fortunate to have attracted your custom, and we are doing everything we can to prove worthy of it. Your continuous faith throughout this process has not gone unnoticed, and will not go unrewarded.



So, You’ve Made a Game.
over 2 years ago – Fri, Jan 14, 2022 at 01:36:04 AM

Greetings, LudiCrats

Thanks so much for your patience in between these updates, and thank you again for supporting Scott's weird game. We apologize if we have posted too many updates, we will do our best not to crowd your inbox too much. :-)

Also, a warm welcome to all those coming to the project by So, You've Been Eaten. being listed in Polygon's most anticipated games for 2022 and who joined us via Backerkit pre-order.

If you did miss the previous updates, please click here:

Update #6 - Production:

Update #7 - Fulfillment:


Manage your address & addons:

Note: If you are not sure of your address in the near future, you can request that we reset your survey, and then you can complete it when you are settled.

Contact us:

We can only see your pledge information, ask for personal details and provide individual assistance through a KS message, not the comments.


In this update we will report production news, outline our fulfillment strategy, and briefly discuss the timing of future steps.

Please make sure to read through to the end of the update before asking questions. Also, please keep in mind the backer update practices we outlined in backer update #1.


We are happy to announce that the factory has shown us the first copies to be produced - here is an unboxing video of the Collector's Edition:

Yes, the transparent custom-shaped acrylic Upgrade tiles will come with their backing still attached, to protect them from damage from each other. You will need to remove the protective sticker before play.

And here are all the Collector components splayed out:

More detailed photos & videos of all editions will follow in a future update. We are very happy with how everything looks, and we can’t wait to see the games be on their way to you.


Speaking of the game being on its way to you, the factory will soon* be concluding production, and so we wanted to give you some advance notice of the next few steps in the process.

First, we will discuss the overall plan, then list some regional details, then we will discuss charging cards and confirming addresses via Backerkit.

So here is the plan:

Fulfillment will be done separately in the following regions:

  • North America (USA & Canada)
  • EU
  • UK
  • Asia / Pacific

Each of these four shipments will be sent independently of each other. This means that sometimes contrary to logic, hopes & dreams, physics of space & time (specifically proximity to China), and the genuine desire we have that every single backer will receive the game at the exact same moment, this will simply not happen.

None of these shipments will be waiting for one another. As soon one reaches a fulfillment center, it will start getting processed as soon as it is possible to do so. Please refrain from asking "What about [country X]?" for now. More information will be posted with details on different regions, local carriers, shipping notifications, tracking codes, etc. in due time.

The freight & supply chain crisis continues to be endlessly frustrating. Ports remain hopelessly congested, cost increases are not showing signs of abating, and in private discussions fellow publishers continue to report horror stories. Here is the relevant material we have collected since the last update on the topic. NB! Some of which predates that update, as we continuously add more to the "shipping horror" bookmarks folder:

9 July - - James Hudson of Druid City Games / Skybound Games reporting a nice random surcharge for their games to get on a ship.

27 August - (use incognito mode to read) - 1282 words / 7:43 audio - This may be getting into shipping-industry-nerd territory but it is fascinating because it explains the difference between contract pricing and spot pricing in container shipments. TL;DR: Unsurprisingly, LudiCreations will pay more than Walmart (or Asmodee, probably) for the same container to be shipped.

13 September - - BGG news on Ravensburger not taking new orders until they can clear up the backlog. We have essentially done the same, and postponed 2 (two!) campaigns we wanted to run, to make sure SYBE is fulfilled.

14 September - - 631 words - A twitter thread from a book retailer that outlines the /production/ side of the supply chain crisis. We also use a lot of paper in board game production.

16 September - (use incognito mode to read) - 1308 words / 7:31 audio - An article about port congestion adorned with a haunting video of several dozen ships waiting just so they can unload off LA.

24 September - - 1304 words / 07:00 audio - Happy times as ships are now congested at the origin (!) rather than the destination, and how some shippers are sending vessels on 1-way journeys just to decongest the routes.

30 September - - 1818 words - Blog post from a game designer outlining the whole mess with specific examples from the board game industry.

2 October - - 2522 words - Energy prices enter the mix, e.g. in Germany and the UK. When the fuel needed to deliver your fuel is affected, everything moved by that fuel also is. Also, does anyone here happen to have a spare HGV license?

6 October - - 845 words - Basically the article that got us on the (US) fulfillment path outlined below. While we give little stock to predictions (see end of this backer update), at the end it links to an article predicting no end to this mess until 2023.

21 October - (CW: US politics) - 2081 words - A piece on the political implications of the crisis, from unions to the rail industry. Note: This is to inform you, only. Please keep any discussion of politics off this site.

2 November - - 185 words - USPS just ups and gives up on Australia & New Zealand. Basically not enough space,  too far away.

10 December - - 974 words /  5:00 audio / Just because San Pedro Bay doesn't look like Elizabeth's Taylor's entrance in Cleopatra anymore, doesn't mean that the congestion isn't there. Add slow steaming to this, and you got one or two (hundred) slow ships from China. 

Note: The above list is curated. If we added all the material we had, we would need several times the space. Most of the articles from November onwards were about the holiday season, and given that they repeat many of the points above and are repetitive themselves, we did not include them in the roundup.

Bonus link:

Fulfillment - Regional Information

North America

Upon careful thought, research and after getting advice from people in the freight forwarding industry, the shipment will not be sent in one container. There are quite a few reasons, but the main one is that if it was, it would have a very high risk of getting stuck in a port, waiting for a truck to pick it up and get it inland. There are too many containers, too few trucks, fewer truckers, and a lot less flexibility in the system right now.

In fact, even if it was in a container, it is likely that they would not even allow it to go past the port, and would force the contents to be transloaded. This could be disastrous, because we had planned to "floor-load" the container in order to maximize use of space to minimize the expected financial hit described in our previous update. However, this hit could end up being even worse this way, if horror stories of containers being stuck for 60 days in port came to be true for us as well.

So, pallets it is. And, it looks like they will be sent across the Pacific in as many as 3 different LCL (Less-than-Container-Load) shipments. They still go inside a container, mind you, but they are sent at the discretion of the shipping contractors. This, we are told, allows for flexibility and granularity where they stick'em where they can fit'em as soon as they can ship'em, rather than trying to book a (very expensive) slot for a container shipment, a slot that can be denied even if reserved and paid for.

Sending 3 LCL shipments will still probably end up being more expensive than 1 FCL shipment (there are fixed costs we are charged per booking), but we believe it will be better and safer overall.

*Canadians*: Your games will be shipped from within Canada, and we will take care of importing them for you.


The pallets going to Germany may take even longer than the USA-bound ones.

Unfortunately the train does not seem like it is an option this time, and most shipping capacity in the world is being put on China->USA routes. As mentioned before and on the campaign page, we are paying VAT on the games - you can do the rough math on what that means for your country.

Again, you are not paying the VAT, we are.


Yes, your shipment will come directly to the UK, and will not go through the EU.

This time. The best way to ensure that this continues to happen is to encourage your fellow subjects of her majesty to back campaigns, so that there is a critical mass of backers.

VAT will be paid for by us.

Asia / Pacific

As with all of our other projects, VFI is fulfilling the games out of China and their regional hubs in Australia / Thailand / Malaysia and elsewhere. You may be getting your games before anybody else, or much after everyone else - freight over there works in mysterious ways. Once fulfillment starts, there will be more detailed information and a page where you can check your local hub's status.


Charging cards & confirming addresses

Cards will be charged in Backerkit for shipping fees and add-ons after the games have been handed over by the factory to the freight forwarders. There will be another backer update announcing this, and giving at least 2 weeks' notice.

There will also be emails automatically generated by Backerkit itself, asking you to confirm your address.

Important: When your card is charged, it will show up as "KS-BK-Ludi" in your statement.

To check your survey response on Backerkit please visit:


What does “soon” mean?

Why can’t you be more specific?

When will all this happen?

We can not yet say exactly when something will happen because everything depends on the factory completing production, the freight forwarders picking up, the ships' sailing date, and so on. We simply do not know, and neither do they.

For example, it could come to pass that production is completed on time, but the local logistics operators do not manage to pick up the games before Chinese New Year. If that happens, the whole timeline shifts at least 2 weeks. We will also not be making any update that says “we don’t know”, and we will not be making an update in which we have to take back any date we gave before. So, until we know for sure, we will not be able to give any estimates or predictions - or even guesses.

We have been hurt before, and so we do not trust any date given. To avoid future heartbreak, we will not be repeating any estimate onwards to you. Again, as long as something remains an unconfirmed fact, we will not be releasing estimates, predictions, guesses, or anything else that can be misconstrued, misread, misunderstood and complained about.

If this does not work for you, please do not hesitate to send us a message. Please refer to the FAQ and backer update #1 before you do, where also our backer update practices are outlined.


If you would like to upgrade to a different pledge level, get add-ons, or change your address, please use the same invitation link to Backerkit that you already have.

You can also always use the Backerkit website to request a new link:

Note: If you are not sure of your address in the near future, you can request that we reset your survey, and then you can complete it when you are settled.

You can contact us most easily by clicking on this link:

We can only see your pledge information, ask for personal details and provide individual assistance through a KS message, not the comments.

Thanks for reading yet another long backer update. We certainly appreciate your patience and understanding - especially of how we want the games to get to you as much (or perhaps more) as you do.



So, Here's An Update on Fulfillment
almost 3 years ago – Thu, Sep 02, 2021 at 11:16:05 PM

Greetings, LudiCrats!

This is part 2 of the update on production & fulfillment. We broke this into two separate backer updates to make sure that we can easily refer to them in the future, and because we find that some backers tend to skip parts of updates that they then later ask about. Also, this pads our backer update count, which we can all agree is the mark of a quality KS project.

To read the most recent update about production click here.


Manage your address & addons:

Note: If you are not sure of your address in the near future, you can request that we reset your survey, and then you can complete it when you are settled.

Contact us:

We can only see your pledge information, ask for personal details and provide individual assistance through a KS message, not the comments.


Containers might as well be made of caviar-infused, PS5-lined, platinum-coated, RX6880-shaped lego bricks.

Spare a container ship, brother?

Common Container Conundrums

So, it looks like production is going to be ok. However, we are having to deal with a problem of which you might have heard from one or more friendly local Kickstarter campaigns you may be backing.

The problem is one of capacity. The worldwide freight market has been completely and utterly fudged up beyond recollection of anyone with experience of shipping cardboard inside containers.

A huge increase in demand for consumer goods during the pandemic has led to several bottlenecks in freight operations. There are not enough containers, and there are not enough containers *in the right place*. Too many things going both eastwards and westwards from China, not enough things going back.

As a result the freight costs, and more pertinently, *our* freight costs have increased more than 600% (and counting). This is now, at this moment, and it could even go higher as we approach the holiday season.

Of course, this is not your fault. To be absolutely clear:

No backers will be asked to put in more money to receive their rewards.

While we understand publishers who have no other choice, we would rather go bankrupt than do that. We're already resigned to losing out on VAT we did not collect, so this is just another five-digit lump to take.

We have been thinking and researching this for a few months now. We got quotes, re-quotes, re-re-quotes, talked to other publishers (to potentially share containers). We considered (and still sort of are considering) the possibility of buying our own container in case that helps. The main issue is one of time. As you can see in the sources listed at the end of this update, no matter how much we pay for the freight, it may still take an unprecedented amount of time for it to cross the seas to get to you, get unloaded, cleared through customs and then brought to the regional fulfillment center warehouses.

So, please know that we are working on gaining as much information as possible before we have to make a decision on this. We will consider all factors and we will try to compensate for potential disruptions. However, please understand that this is the one part of the process over which we have the least control. And given that it can not be solved with money - because we do not want to ask for more, and what more we pay will not have an effect on the time it takes to happen - it could be that it may only be solved with time.

That would mean that you would need to exhibit some restraint in calling for your game to be delivered, and be patient with us and our freight/fulfillment partners as we get the game to you.

If, for whatever reason, you feel like you are not prepared to do that, please contact us via Kickstarter message.

Unfortunately, we can not give any time estimates about what this means for fulfilling the rewards. The level of uncertainty we are presented with is unprecedented, and any estimate we might give is very likely to be wrong. In addition, we have found that giving estimates leads some to take them as certainties, commitments, or promises, leading to disappointment and other negative emotional responses.

As noted not 3 sentences before, if this uncertainty is not acceptable to you, we fully understand and would like to know, so we can figure out how to prevent disappointment - just send us a message.

As soon as we have more information on timing, we will let you know. Until then, please do not hesitate to reach out to us if you have any concerns.

Some light reading on the state of freight

Bonus link 1:

Bonus link 2:

Next steps

As mentioned in the previous update posted right before this one, we are just about to press the big “print” button. Ideally, the next backer update will have photos of the beautiful game that we expect So, You’ve Been Eaten. to become when it is in printed form.

Before you ask about dates and timelines and all that, please read that update and take into account the contents of this one, in which we have done our best to outline the challenges that we (along with a few dozen other publishers) face in moving cardboard closer to you.

In keeping with our standard practice, we will make a backer update *after* something has happened, to avoid making promises that are not kept - ultimately leading to disappointment and frustration. Along the same lines, and for the same reason, we do not give estimated, expected or “certain” dates of when something could, might or should happen. It’s just easier to update based on actual occurrences.

We thank you for your patience, understanding and support throughout this campaign, and believe you us, we want the game to hit the table as soon as humanly (or beastily?) possible.


If you would like to upgrade to a different pledge level, get add-ons, or change your address, please use the same invitation link to Backerkit that you already have.

You can also always use the Backerkit website to request a new link:

Note: If you are not sure of your address in the near future, you can request that we reset your survey, and then you can complete it when you are settled.

You can contact us most easily by clicking on this link:

We can only see your pledge information, ask for personal details and provide individual assistance through a KS message, not the comments.

Thank you for reading this far! Please make sure to read the previous update on production!
